In Love with My Life

I have liked my life for the most part since I graduated high school.  I went to class, graduated, and I truly enjoyed and probably loved my life in college.  After graduation?

I certainly didn’t love my life; I barely had one.  It was working two jobs, 60-70 hours a week, and one job I truly did love, the other was just there to pay the rest of the bills.  One year I got my w-2’s back, and was like, “that’s it? And literally thought, ‘there has to be a better way’.”  I have found that way.  It is a company founded on respect, empowerment, and helping others.  There is no amount of salary worth making you feel like a piece of shit by the end of the day.  NONE.

One of the benefits of realizing one’s worth is that I am truly in love with my life.  There is a difference between liking your life and being in love with it.  Think dating to get a better understanding.  I love everything in it.  I love my friends, my relationships, my business, and  most importantly myself.

I have worked hard to understand, conquer, and retire my old-self, as I call it.  I have reincarnated myself to be more positive, self-confident, present, less passive-aggressive, and immensely grateful person.  Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 2.01.43 PM

I am proud of my journey it took to get me to this point, and I am even more proud of apparently the inspiration in it for people.  There is no greater gift.

Remembering and Honoring

There will be a slew of 9/11 posts, and these are my thoughts on the anniversary of that tragic day.
It is the eve on the anniversary of September 11th, and I find myself reflective.  The level of chaos, tragedy, and sheer sense of loss was unparalleled in my lifetime.  It is one that none of us will forget where we were when we found out that the two towers fell, and the utter devastation that was caused by fanatics.

It was one of the worst days in America’s recent history, and the biggest act of terrorism on our soil since Pearl Harbor.  Thousands of people didn’t get to come home, hundreds more were injured, and countless first responders still suffer side effects.  We honor their memory tomorrow.

9/11 thoughts by Stacey Alcorn.

9/11 thoughts by Stacey Alcorn.

If there was one good thing that came out of 9/11, it was unity.  The act of terrorism united us as a country not seen since world war II, and it was kind of amazing to watch.  Blood donations skyrocketed; Red Cross was inundated with people, money, and supplies;  people volunteering for EMTs and fire fighters rose dramatically, and the world kind of stopped being just about our lives for awhile.

People started reevaluating their lives, and realized money isn’t always everything.  Life is short, precious, and we take for granted that there will be more time with loved ones.  Sometimes there isn’t.  Treasure each day, and live it with love.  That is what 9/11 should stand for, and what we should honor tomorrow and every day.